Natalie Jean, you're a gosh darn queen.
Despite all my cynical skepticism, it is sometimes a little difficult to argue against something that was clearly carefully curated and designed by the gods themselves way back when the earth began. All the big guys and gals in charge must have been sitting around a boardroom table discussing free will versus determinism and the beginning and end of our universe and I can only imagine the dialogue going something like this:
God 1:
I'm thinking we've got to throw in some really serious warfare for the human beings on planet earth every few decades or so to keep people on their feet. Don't want them to get complacent.
God 2:
Wow Jim, that's a little sadistic of you, but we can pop that suggestion under the maybe column.
God 1:
We're just spitballing here, Gary. We've created some pretty evil beings here, it might be good to have them kill each other off every once in a while.
God 2:
We have already created genocide, disease, and worst of all, frat boys. Are you sure we need MORE suffering?
God 1:
Well the thing is, I'm thinking we also throw in a couple of human beings that light up the lives of every single person they meet, almost like a walking sparkler (we'll have those invented after a few millennia). For example: on the 23rd of August 1996 (They'll be using that Gregorian calendar by then), I reckon we bring Natalie Fraser into the world.
God 2:
Slow your roll there, Jim. Are you sure the humans are going to be able to handle so much grace and beauty in one being??
God 1:
We'll birth Jennifer Worthington-Smith a week before to counteract her a little bit.
God 2:
Good thinking. And we can put them into an inseparable friendship that stands the test of sickness and time.
God 1:
And lets give them both crippling mental disorders because... you know... we're a bag of dicks.
*The two gods high five*
Just to give you some proof of my claim that Nat is the personification of a snuggle, here is the post she wrote about me last week for my birthday. While you're on her blog, do yourself a favour and scroll through her posts. Masterpieces, each one.
Because the gods decreed it all that time ago (see above), Natalie chooses to spend a significant portion of her time with me. I consider myself a pretty lucky bean because of that, and although I am never on time when we make plans to see each other and she always has to do the driving due to my inexplicable aversion to it, she showers me with love and care that ironically only she herself deserves.
I would like to further support my claim with photographic evidence from the year 2018:
Because the gods decreed it all that time ago (see above), Natalie chooses to spend a significant portion of her time with me. I consider myself a pretty lucky bean because of that, and although I am never on time when we make plans to see each other and she always has to do the driving due to my inexplicable aversion to it, she showers me with love and care that ironically only she herself deserves.
I would like to further support my claim with photographic evidence from the year 2018:
A series of images she sent me when I was over an hour late for a breakfast she'd prepared.
Everything about this.
The failed actress look she often assumes, which might be my favourite out of all looks, ever.
The time she had a swollen eye and looked like Steve Buschemi.
Look at her.
Jen x
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