A Message Just To Check In


Just checking in. I say that as though I'm checking in with you which isn't quite true as this is a very one-way conversation. This is merely a window in which you can use to check me. 

I am currently sitting at the kitchen table of the Bennetts. They are due home in a couple of hours so naturally I have been frantically trying to clean up all my mess. I'm kidding. I'm not too fussed about the mess. 

It is a beautiful day and by beautiful I mean the sun seems to be slightly diluted and there is a chilly breeze. It's like Summer but you better be wearing long trousers and a jersey. As you can tell I am starting to assimilate myself into the English language spoken by these people. "Trousers" here mean pants and "pants" mean underwear. And in the hopes of causing as little confusion as possible I will use "trousers" at all times no matter what I'm referring to. If I were to be completely British, I would say "Jumper" instead of jersey but I am not yet willing to stoop quite that low. 

I have just taken Harry on our last ever walk alone together. Harry didn't seem to be quite as nostalgic as I felt but I am willing to forgive him for that as he has the unpenetrable excuse of being a dog. 

An obvious highlight of my week was getting a present in the post! I know, ordering things online is brilliant because you're ordering a little present for yourself (if it is for yourself) no matter what it is. A pair of socks? Present! Dog food? PRESENT. Cleaning equipment? Congratulations, it's a present! But what is even better, if you can imagine it, is when someone orders something online to be sent to your place of residence. This one was a book from my Aunt and Dad that I am so keen to have with me for various train and bus/coach journeys to come. 

My next leg of this trip will take me to Trebetherick, Cornwall, where I will be staying with the Somerses! These are friends of my grandparents and I am very excited to stay with them in Cornwall as well as Croydon. I'm not 100% confident on how I will be getting there due to certain complications, but I am putting all my trust in future-Jennifer's hands to solve that problem. Is that wise? Most likely not. Is it easy for present-Jennifer? Absolutely. 

I don't think I took any photos of burning significance since we last spoke so I will just leave you with these words: If you're reading this, it is likely that I want to see you. Don't do anything stupid while I'm gone. 

All my love to everyone. 

Jen x


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